Online shopping is always beneficial; you get so many choices to buy anything. You can choose color, size even quality easily. It is very convenient to buy online things. You may save your time as well as money. Well online shopping is getting popular in these days rapidly, but there are number of disadvantages of online shopping. This article will let you know about some disadvantages of online shopping.
Here are the disadvantages of online shopping:
Delivery could be delay:
Well one of the major disadvantage of online shopping is delaying delivery of product. There is now doubt that it takes just few minutes to select the product and ordering the product, but delivery of this product could be delay which is very annoying. People get disappoint instantly that prevents them from online buying. So this is very disappointing.
You cannot touch or feel the product:
Another major disadvantage of online shopping is that you cannot touch your selected product nor can feel the quality of the product. That is why people always think hundreds of time before buying anything online. It happens when you are going to buy any cloth or hosiery items etc.
Lack of discounts in online shopping:
Well there are number of websites that offer attractive discounts to their clients but qualities of the product are not as per the requirement. But some website that is really having quality products does not compromise on their rates. They even do not offer any discount rates to the customers. That is why some customers always like traditional shopping because there they can bargain with shopkeeper.
You don’t get shopping experience:
Traditional shopping is really fun activity. You visit lots of shops, showrooms, and shopping malls. It is really great fun itself. But in online shopping you cannot enjoy this activity, so you don’t have any experience of shopping through websites. That is why mostly people always prefer traditional shopping so they can spend their quality time with their loved ones while shopping.
Chances of fraud in online shopping:
There are various shopping sites that are actually not for shopping, these sites actually running by some hackers who are always in wait to make fraud with you. So you have to be very careful before going to online shopping. You should not share your personal information on any website such as about your credit card or debit card.